Showing 26 - 50 of 56 Results
The Works of Charles Darwin, Volume 1: Diary of the Voyage of the H. M. S. Beagle (Works of ... by Darwin, Charles, Barrett, P... ISBN: 9780814717967 List Price: $95.00
The Works of Charles Darwin, Volume 9: The Geology of the Voyage of the H. M. S. Beagle, Par... by Barrett, Paul H., Freeman, ... ISBN: 9780814717943 List Price: $95.00
Collected Papers of Charles Darwin by Darwin, Charles, Barrett, P... ISBN: 9780226136585 List Price: $13.50
Charles Darwin's Notebooks, 1836-1844: Geology, Transmutation of Species, Metaphysical Enqui... by Barrett, Paul H., Gautrey, ... ISBN: 9780521350556 List Price: $135.00
Collected Papers of Charles Darwin by Darwin, Charles, Barrett, P... ISBN: 9780226136578 List Price: $40.00
Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species by Darwin, Charles, Darwin, Fr... ISBN: 9780814718247 List Price: $99.00
Darwin on Man: A Psychological Study of Scientific Creativity by Gruber, Howard E., Darwin, ... ISBN: 9780525088776
Works of Charles Darwin by Darwin, Charles, Barrett, P... ISBN: 9781851960118
Is the New Testament History? by Paul H. Barrett ISBN: 9780340409022
The Works of Charles Darwin: Vol 10: The Foundations of the Origin of Species: Two Essays Wr... by Otto Kleinschmidt, Professo... ISBN: 9781851962105 List Price: $80.00
The Works of Charles Darwin: V. 4: Zoology of the Voyage of HMS Beagle, Under the Command of... by Professor Charles Darwin, P... ISBN: 9781851962044 List Price: $99.00
The Works of Charles Darwin: Vol 20: The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication... by Professor Charles Darwin, P... ISBN: 9781851963102 List Price: $110.00
The Works of Charles Darwin: Vol 17: The Various Contrivances by Which Orchids Are Fertilise... by Professor Charles Darwin, P... ISBN: 9781851963072 List Price: $80.00
The Works of Charles Darwin: V. 5: Zoology of the Voyage of HMS Beagle, Under the Command of... by Professor Charles Darwin, P... ISBN: 9781851962051 List Price: $99.00
The Works of Charles Darwin: Vol 27: The Power of Movement in Plants (1880) (Pickering Masters) by Professor Charles Darwin, P... ISBN: 9781851964079 List Price: $110.00
The Works of Charles Darwin: V. 21: Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (Second... by Professor Charles Darwin, P... ISBN: 9781851964017 List Price: $80.00
The Works of Charles Darwin: V. 2: Journal of Researches Into the Geology and Natural Histor... by Professor Charles Darwin, P... ISBN: 9781851962020 List Price: $80.00
The Works of Charles Darwin: V. 9: Geological Observations on South America (1846) (with the... by Professor Charles Darwin, P... ISBN: 9781851962099 List Price: $99.00
The Works of Charles Darwin: Vol 29: Erasmus Darwin (1879) / The Autobiography of Charles Da... by Ernst Krause, Paul H Barrett ISBN: 9781851964093 List Price: $110.00
The Works of Charles Darwin: Vol 16: On the Origin of Species (Sixth Edition, 1876) (Pickeri... by Professor Charles Darwin, P... ISBN: 9781851963065 List Price: $110.00
The Works of Charles Darwin: Vol 25: The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vege... by Professor Charles Darwin, P... ISBN: 9781851964055 List Price: $110.00
The Works of Charles Darwin: Vol 8: Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands Visited ... by Professor Charles Darwin, P... ISBN: 9781851962082 List Price: $187.50
The Works of Charles Darwin: Vol 26: The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Sp... by Professor Charles Darwin, P... ISBN: 9781851964062 List Price: $99.00
The Works of Charles Darwin: Vol 13: A Monograph on the Sub-Class Cirripedia (1854), Vol II,... by Professor Charles Darwin, P... ISBN: 9781851963034 List Price: $80.00
The Works of Charles Darwin: Vol 12: A Monograph on the Sub-Class Cirripedia (1854), Vol II,... by Professor Charles Darwin, P... ISBN: 9781851963027 List Price: $110.00
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